Monday, April 30, 2012

One Step Closer

Is the Hanford Hop actually a
 Quantum Leap of Faith in Time Travel?
Testing the theory to see if you can actually go back in time.
Basing the theory, in part, on the following:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

For my Mom & Dad

A Dog's Life

I worry when he's not feeling well
And not eating all his food.
He's not his happy frisky self
And he's in a sleepy mood.

I fuss and cater to his whims
Because he's getting on in years.
I hope when I get to be his age.
Someone will scratch behind my ears.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Animated Gifs .06 - Supply Chain

After taking this cellphoto shot @ Walmart I began to imagine...
The endless amount of savings... if they didn't run out of stock.