Sunday, December 4, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lighting the LightHouse @ Highland Links

Maybe you want more than just a black silhouetted object against a nice sky.
Then all it takes is two different exposure combined in one shot.

Exposure for sky

Added to proper exposure of lighthouse

FlipFone Fotos

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you don't have a "real camera" available. You can still make interesting images from compositing lower resolution images.

Original background image

Original foreground image

TimeScape Pans of the Pond

 Multi image created with 3 separate pans and a couple of additional single image elements, into a timescaped image.

Final composite has pans of sky, trees and water reflection mixed with side trees and older pan with snow.
First one was taken after a Halloween snowstorm a few years ago. It was stitched together from 5 images.
Prior to having a camera with a panorama mode, this image was stitched together from separate shots.

New pans were recently taken around the same time of day. Side elements were taken later for light fill.

Photo Sketchbooks - Plan B

Composite image created from 3 different exposures - taken at different times and cloned into one final image.

Final composite was then given additional light source and an HDR -vibrant filter.

Source files - Left image (Sunset w/ fill flash) - Middle image (Morning sunrise) - Right image (Mid morning w/ higher sun)

Photo Sketchbooks - Part 1

Original photo taken with a low 3.1 megapixel camera.
 Time to add some new filters and photo effects to some of the older digital photos.
This will be a series of photos that show the progression of enhancements added to them.

Start with just one simple filter effect to bring out some details in image.
Possibly add more dramatic light beams breaking through the clouds. 
Or add some toned color and stylized clarity with other filters.

Flying off the shelf at that price.

After taking this cell shot @ Walmart, I began to think about it.
And I imagined the savings before me, if they only had the stock on hand.