Monday, December 17, 2018

TV Viewer

Various animated gifs into TV screen - as well as YouTube autoplay video

Movie Mixes Compiled

Animated Gif loops from movies combined & compiled into Google Slides

Elf on the Border

The story of when my Elf decided to hitch a ride to Mexico for a vacation.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Blackledge Falls

Pan of Blackledge Falls in Glastonbury

Animated Gif of the falls, shot with cell phone and re-merged in Photoshop

Embedded html page code of the Google Slides area into Blogger @ ¼ image size.

And finally a here is the...
Link to the Google Slides area to run through the images with controls

Friday, March 23, 2018

5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (Dr. Seuss Movie)

Written by Dr Seuss The 5,000 fingers of Dr. T remains one of the most surreal films to come out of Hollywood. A financial and critical failure the film has gained a cult following and remains a unique piece of Hollywood fantasy cinema.

After seeing this sequence, I decided to create an endless pole slide (with the help of a random image javascript, that Blogger didn't support) So I hosted it on another ISP and provided the link below.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

When you didn't take that pan

Sometimes it just doesn't come to mind to take a panorama of a scene - or in this case the camera was too old to have that capability. But you get a few shots that you can stitch together later and actually make the image you wanted to take.

Later on you can always add additional lighting effects to the image.

Combining two totally separate images

Taking an image of an indoor diorama model, under florescent lights, and combining a natural lite outdoor image, can be a challenge.

But cloning the color of the earth from the background image into the rocks of the foreground pic and adding some blurs and stretches, helps blend the images.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

reViewing Lake Louise - Banff National Park

Two shots of lake with Hi-Spy viewing machine and close up of mountain in background

Combined into one shot with HDR filter effect to background.

Horseshoe or Oxbox Bend Composite

Original photo of the bend was good, but the mountains in the background were weak.

Creating a sky image by zooming into the scene enhanced the horizon.

Adding an HDR filter and sunburst made the image more dynamic.

Option of a sunburst and lens flare where the mountain range had a lightened effect.

TV Time

Original Photo - Scanned from 2¼ film negative

Cropped and added animated GIF to the TV screen

Finally created a Google Slides presentation with multiple GIFs and slides.